This is the proposed building to replace the 76 Station’s current one-story building.
The Pacific Palisades Design Review Board will meet virtually at 6:30 p.m. this Wednesday, May 12. The public is invited to join.
Board members Donna Vaccarino, Maryam Zar, Leah Cox, Paul Darrall, Sarah Griffin and Barbara Kohn will give a “final review” for a change of use from restaurant to retail use at 15280 Antioch. The store was formerly a Jamba Juice and will be replaced by The Shade Store. Owner Laisa Mendes will also ask for acceptance of a 194-sq-ft. addition and a new wall sign.
The second item on the agenda involves the Union 76 station at the corner of Sunset and Via de la Paz. This will be a final review for the partial demolition of the one-story auto-repair/service, a 1,956-sq.-ft. expansion of the existing convenience store and a new 1,861-sq.-ft. second story office. The project’s applicant, Robert Munakash, is seeking a 10 percent adjustment to the required parking and a waiver of dedication on Sunset.
To join the meeting by computer, Click here. The Password is 362002
To join by phone, dial (213) 338-8477 or (669) 900-9128. The Webinar ID is 895 1256 1400
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PERSONS WISHING TO PROVIDE PUBLIC COMMENT: When the Agenda item you wish to speak on comes up, please press *9 to “raise your hand.” Following the item presentation, Board staff will unmute those wishing to provide public comment. Staff will track your allotted time and give you a warning before the end of your allotted time.