City Council Committee Hearing on Thursday Will Address Using Beaches and Parks to House Homeless

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On March 31, without alerting neighborhoods in City Council District 11, Councilmen Mike Bonin and Mark Ridley-Thomas sent the following motion (Council File 21-0350).

The proposal seeks to provide temporary-style housing for the homeless at several sites, including Will Rogers State Beach, Dockweiler Beach, Westchester Park and Mar Vista Park.

The motion, which is listed as number five on the agenda, will be heard by the City Council Homelessness & Poverty Committee at a virtual meeting at 10 a.m. this Thursday. The audio for this meeting will be broadcast live on the internet at

Residents who want to offer public comment on any agenda item should call 669-254-5252, use Meeting ID No. 160 431 9380 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant ID. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak.

Members of the Council Committee include Chair Ridley-Thomas and councilmembers Kevin De Leon, Joe Buscaino, Monica Rodriguez and Nithya Raman.

Pacific Palisades Community Council president David Card and other officers plan to register their opposition to the use of beaches and public parks for homeless housing. At the last two PPCC meetings, more than 400 people attended virtually and gave unanimous support to keeping the beaches open for all residents of Los Angeles County.

All residents who would like to comment on this motion are urged to do so.

The Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness sent a public comment regarding Bonin’s motion on April 8. The letter stated:

“Consistent with our mission to address the destructive consequences of homelessness in Pacific Palisades, PPTFH supports tangible efforts to implement compassionate and effective solutions, services and access to permanent supportive housing for our homeless people that also ensure the continued protection and wellbeing of our community.

“While we appreciate Councilman Bonin’s continued focus on this issue, we do not believe that this motion, as written, adequately supports these goals nor provides an effective solution. PPTFH looks forward to engaging further in this important conversation while continuing to take an active leadership role in responding to this growing social crisis. We invite all interested parties to work with us to identify and implement viable and effective solutions.”

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4 Responses to City Council Committee Hearing on Thursday Will Address Using Beaches and Parks to House Homeless

  1. Charlie says:

    I think it’s important to note that many “homeless” are not exactly “homeless.” They are more accurately described as “street people.” Many are substance abusers and many are mentally ill. “Homeless” implies that they were evicted or somehow couldn’t afford housing and it is a simple problem with the simple solution of affordable housing.

    Start naming the problem more accurately “street people” instead of “homeless” and we might be able to find some solutions.

  2. David Card says:

    Pacific Palisades Community Council has filed with the City Council Homelessness & Poverty Committee our public letters stating our opposition to the Bonin motion to place homeless people at Will Rogers State Beach or any public beach or park. Copies have been sent directly to the Mayor, each member of that committee, all of our State and County elected representatives, Coastal Commission officials, County Harbors & Beaches officials, and many more. You may see the PPCC opposition letters at our website: Unlike Neighborhood Councils, PPCC is a Community Council that is free to communicate our positions to State, County, and Federal governments and agencies.

  3. V. S. says:

    Please look at solution by Senator Rand Paul, KY. Help the Veterans and follow his lead to a truly affordable community. Of course, the land used would not be the most expensive property on the coast of CA.

    A true solution instead of just a plan to get them off the streets!

    Don’t take away our beaches from all of the citizens in the State of CA. that are truly hardworking, contribute to society and pay an exorbitant amount of taxes.

    Thank You!

  4. Karen A. McChrystal says:

    “ I acknowledge the severity and urgency of the homeless problem in Los Angeles. However there are also millions more low income and middles class families barely holding on. These families are working two jobs, often at or below minimum wage and they do not have the funds to take “vacations”, nor have boats in the harbors to avoid heatwaves, nor have many places to spend valuable, low cost time together — where do they go? To our public beaches and state parks. I am extremely concerned by this idea of of Mr Bonin’s which may exacerbate the issues of low income families already on the edge or in crisis but not yet homeless.
    I cannot see the rationale of turning already PACKED lots at the beach — be it Will Rogers, Dockweiler or the other beaches mentioned in Mr Bonin’s Motion #21-035 — into shelters. These and other beaches that are used DAILY by families with young children cannot safely accommodate a site for “safe camping” and “tiny homes” much less share public access & facilities with the many homeless who are mentally ill, often have drug paraphernalia and are often abusive to strangers.
    And, has anyone also considered, that for example, Will Rogers is the evacuation site for Eastern Malibu and the Palisades in the event of wildfires? I am in disbelief that anyone thinks this is a good idea.
    I acknowledge that we must work hard to find solutions for the homeless epidemic but I feel this solution is a recipe for disaster, not only for public safety of our lower income families but also traffic safety concerns but also for the safety of ALL the public, particularly children.

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