After Christmas trees stands were placed on the trees, they were being watered to keep them fresh.
The YMCA Christmas Tree lot will open tomorrow, December 1, offering quality trees ranging in size from table to more than 15 feet tall. Different-sized wreaths and garlands are also available.
The lot will be open Monday through Friday from 3 to 8 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Customers at the Simon Meadow site in Temescal Canyon (corner of Sunset and Temescal Canyon Road) will have their temperatures taken and masks must be worn (except by children under two years of age).

Wreaths and garlands are available at the Y-Christmas tree lot.
Palisades-Malibu YMCA Executive Director Jim Kirtley told Circling the News that the trees are considered “First Cuts,” unlike discount and grocery store lots, which usually carry second- or third-level trees.
CTN stopped by on Monday and the meadow was a buzz of activity as trees were put on stands and watered. The pine aroma was especially sweet. The trees had just arrived on the weekend, meaning they are among the freshest trees to be found in Los Angeles.
Y tree-lot supervisor Oscar Rodriquez was busy organizing his crew of 17 “elves” who look forward to serving Palisades residents.
This is the largest fundraiser for the local Y residents are invited to select a tree, knowing their purchase will help the nonprofit provide financial assistance — especially since this Y has been closed since March because of the pandemic.
Look for Noble and Nordmann fir trees. The Nordmanns are a classic and one of the most well-known Christmas tree species in Europe. They boast a unique combination of lush foliage and mild fragrance.
The Noble fir is one of the most popular on the West Coast and is known for its beautiful symmetry and tall upright nature.
Once you select a tree, a Y “elf” will carry it to your car and help you secure it, or you can arrange to have the tree delivered to your home.

The YMCA “elves” stand next to a 15′ Nordmann Fir, which they will deliver to your residence.
Palisades Y trees are the best!