Palisades Home Tour Set for Nov. 11
Being able to tour architecturally beautiful homes that are tastefully decorated is not something usually available to the public. But once a year, that’s exactly what happens in Pacific Palisades during the Woman’s Club Home Tour.
Members of the Palisades Woman’s Club will host their 33rd annual home tour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, November 11.
Free parking will be available at Palisades Charter High School. Tickets will be available for pickup on the day of the event at the Will-Call Booth, near PaliHi and the free shuttle service.
Homes on the tour are accessible only by shuttle service and are not handicapped accessible. This year’s tour is presented by Coldwell Banker realtor Michael Edlen.
Proceeds help fund grants requested by several dozen local nonprofit groups such as Movies in the Park, Girl Scouts, the Village Green, the Fourth of July Parade and local schools.
Before or after viewing the exquisitely decorated homes in Pacific Palisades neighborhoods, residents are urged to shop at the holiday marketplace, inside the PPWC clubhouse on Haverford (below Gelson’s). Coffee from Estate Coffee on Via de la Paz will be available in the clubhouse lobby, along with breakfast, lunch and other refreshment options.
The boutique is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and admission is free.
Home Tour tickets purchased up to November 11 are $65 ($75 at the door). Residents are urged to purchase early, because tickets sold out last year. Visit online or send a check to PPWC, P.O. Box 282, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. All sales are final and the tour will proceed rain or shine.