Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club continued its long-standing commitment to philanthropy by awarding grants to 23 nonprofits that are located in Pacific Palisades or serve the community. Over the decades, the club has awarded more than $1 million in grants to various organizations.
This year money was raised through a community-wide rummage sale, and with members working at a snack bar at the Genesis Invitational golf tournament.
Communications chair Kathy Dunbar Later reported to CTN “The night was a huge success and fun for everyone.”
At a dinner at the Woman’s Club on Haverford Avenue on May 2, checks were handed out by newly elected President Samantha Dale.
“This was our first post-pandemic grant celebration, and it was incredibly rewarding for the club to be able to meet the recipients in person,” Dale said. “We worked hard this year to raise these funds, and I am very proud of the PPWC’s commitment to helping the community. A good time was had by all and and we look forward to continuing the tradition next year.”
Money was given in several categories: Arts and Recreation; Community and Charitable Organizations; Education; and Beautification. Grant chair Eve Haberfield said, “All Community organizations who requested grant funding were included to some degree in the distribution of our fund-raising proceeds.”
Chamber Music Palisades ( received funding to sponsor a local family-oriented concert. The Los Angeles Youth Orchestra ( received a grant to cover the rental cost for orchestra rehearsals. The Call 2 Peace Foundation ( asked for funding for six concerts that will be held at the Palisades Library.

Daphne Gronich (left), representing the parade association and Dick Held representing Palisades High School Booster Club, received checks from Samantha Dale, the Woman’s Club President.
Photo: Rich Schmitt
Calvary Christian School ( asked for a grant for materials to build skateboards for foster children. The Canyon School ( booster club asked for money for a new sound system for the auditorium.
Friends of Marquez Elementary School (friends of Marquez) asked for a grant to continue programs at the public charter school. Palisades Elementary ( asked for a contribution to purchase interactive smart boards for the school.
The Paul Revere Middle School ( Pride Booster Club needed assistance in helping students in financial need to be able to participate in the afterschool Robotics Program.
The PaliHi Quarterback Club ( asked for help in purchasing a portable defibrillator for the football team.
Palisades High School Booster Club ( needed to replace the wireless microphone and receiver sets for Mercer Hall, where the school’s musicals take place. The Booster Club was also seeking help in purchasing a dolphin statue for the main quad.
Sage and Seekers (, a successful program that matches senior citizens with Palisades High School teens as a way to bridge the age/communication gap, was awarded funding.
The Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA) ( that organizes and runs the Fourth of July parade in Pacific Palisades wanted funds to help support a sound technician and equipment.
The Boy Scouts of America, Troop 223 ( needed money to purchase “Excellence in Service” patches.
The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation ( needed a grant for a Grief Haven-Scholarship for attendance at grief support group.
Meals on Wheels West ( wanted help in covering the cost of meals for one Palisades client for a year.
The Voice for the Animals Foundation ( was seeking aid for help with vet bills and for care for elderly dogs rescued from shelters.
Resilient Palisades ( sought help in purchasing professional grade electric blowers and battery packs, to help local gardeners transition from gas blowers.
Palisades-Malibu YMCA (, which has provided bags of food to families in need asked for funding to continue once weekly food distribution program for 500 food insecure families.

Samantha Dale presented Palisades-Malibu YMCA Executive Director Jim Kirtley a check to continue its food program for those needing groceries.
Photo: Rich Schmitt
The Malibu Orchid Society (, which meets monthly in Pacific Palisades, asked for money for a speaker honorarium.
Palisades Village Green Committee (, a private nonprofit that takes care of the cost of the triangular little park at the corner of Sunset and Antioch asked for help with maintenance costs.
Will Rogers Ranch Foundation (, which helps the Will Rogers State Park, asked for money for new signs.
Your Palisades Park Improvement Corporation asked for funding to continue the maintenance of the Veteran’s Garden and to develop new fitness classes and to start a bocce buddy program with Palisades High School.
The Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club was founded in 1925 and serves the community through diverse programming, philanthropic efforts and community outreach. Annually members hold the Town’s 90th Birthday party, celebrating the town’s nonagenarians, a free flu clinic, Red Cross Blood Drive and the grant program.
This year’s newly elected officers include: President Samantha Dale, Vice President Maureen Roth, Treasurer Robin Weitz, Secretary Julia Winters, Programs/Social Suzanne Etienne, Communications Kathy Later, philanthropy and assistant philanthropy Kat Holland and Eve Haberfield, membership and assistant membership Sue Denness and Maya Nozar, fundraising and assistant fundraising Meryl Starr and Anna Stokes, clubhouse and assistant clubhouse Gina Jakel and Brenda Cowdrey, hospitality Carole Taub and parliamentarian Nancy Niles. Jennifer Jones-Church is the past chair. For more information about the club or to join, visit:

Newly elected Woman’s Club Officers are (front row left to right) Kat Holland, Julia Winters, Samantha Dale, Sue Denness, Carole Taub, Gina Jakel, Kathy Later and (back row left to right) Robin Weitz, Maya Nozar, Nancy Niles, Jennifer Jones-Chair, Anna Stokes and Suzanne Etienne.
Not pictured are Brenda Cowdrey, Meryl Starr, Maureen Roth and Eve Haberfield.
Photo: Rich Schmitt
I have never been involved with the local Womens club here in the Palisades but I
certainly see that they are doing very good work locally. Kudos to them. I think this
is the best kind of charity work. Addressing specific needs in the immediate communities.