Palisades Design Review Board to Again Discuss Hydration Room Plans

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The Pacific Palisades Design Review Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 25, to discuss the use and design of The Hydration Room, which will replace the abandoned Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf space on Antioch at Swarthmore.

At an earlier meeting, members Donna Vaccarino (Chair), Maryam Zar (Vice Chair), Leah M. Cox, Paul Darrall, Sarah Griffin and Barbara Kohn had asked the applicant to consult with the building’s owner to coordinate the applicant’s design work.

In an August 11 letter to the DRB, the applicant stated that “The architect has coordinated with the owner to propose cosmetic façade improvements to reflect the current trend of the building’s refurbishment.”

At the earlier meeting, the applicant was told that the proposed sign did not conform to the Specific Plan, but this was now addressed, according to the applicant, who responded through architects and interior designers SAA (Schlemmer – Algaze – Associates).

DRB members were also concerned about the change of use from retail to a proposed medical facility. They noted that “there is no plan for removing sensitive medical waste and no emergency exit – and there is no accommodation for required parking for a medical facility.”

The architect noted that very little medical waste is generated by this type of business—around 10 gallons a month, and it is disposed of in small medical bins inside each room. None is disposed via on-site trash enclosures/dumpsters.

SAA also wrote that there is no change in required parking ratios between a retail and an office space.

When asked how this business complies with the Specific Plan, the applicant wrote: “The proposed project is a community-oriented and innovative provider of important personal care functions. The use has precedent at multiple other franchises in the West LA area, that all boast consistent patronage. As such, the use will be a complementary and welcomed addition to the Pacific Palisades.”

The Hydration Room lists available therapies, including vitamin injections such as vitamin B12 shots, regenerative medicine, vitamin IV Therapy, and NAD+ therapy. (Visit:

If residents have questions, the L.A. City contact is Nick Vasuthasawat. Telephone: 213-978-1250 and email:

To join the meeting: Password: 743934. Or join by phone: US: +1 213 338 8477 or +1 669 900 9128

Webinar ID: 841 2661 4531

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