In December, Circling the News Highlights Palisades High School junior Chase Hill, who had started a donation drive for the homeless, by starting Chase’s Care Club.
He placed a bin outside the Palisades Lutheran Church and asked for donations from the community, which he then delivered to Kim Clary, the chair of the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness.
In an email to CTN, he spoke about his expectations when he started the project. For Hill it was simple. “I wanted get homeless people money, housing, clothes and shoes.” But he realized “that’s a big expectation, so I narrowed it down to what was immediately needed.” He focused on hygiene kits, clothes for the season, sleeping bags and blankets.
He put out a plea for:
Men’s clothing items, lightly used OK
· Long Pants size 32- 36
· Warm undershirts (no small size)
· Large or extra-large warm seaters, jackets or coats
Sleeping bags, blankets (clean, slightly used are okay) and backpacks are also appreciated.
Hygiene Kits:
Please package these items, one of each, in a one-gallon freezer bag:
- Covid -19 masks (2 per package)
· Hand Sanitizers
· Wrapped peppermints
· Safety pins
· Toothpaste and toothbrush
· Socks
· Chapstick
· Wipes
The most difficult thing about his project, not surprisingly, was Covid related. “A lot of places were closed or did not want people dropping things off,” Hill said. “I managed to get Palisades Presbyterian, Palisades Lutheran and Revive LA (at the Lutheran Church) to agree to keep a donation bin on their property.”
He had contacted Clary, who became his “point person.” “We drop off all donations to her home (due to Covid) and she helps distribute everything to anyone in need.”
He said the most donated item, had been for the hygiene kits and said, “They are easy to put together.”
That is still the most needed item, Hill said and also noted that “because it is still cold, we need blankets and sleeping bags.
“I am grateful for all those who have helped along the way,” he said, and acknowledged his mom for having the idea of also going to churches to ask for help. “They can get the word out to their churchgoers.
If you would like to participate, Hill says there are bins on the parking lot at Palisades Presbyterian Church and Palisades Lutheran Church. “If people can’t find them, have them go to the office of the church and they will help direct them.”
Thanks for the bin locations – lookin’ for home for down quilt (allergy)!