Although there is widespread sentiment against the proposed development of a five-story, 60-ft.-high, 32,225-sq.ft. mixed-use building with 39-dwelling units because of design, geological and coastal issues, City Planning Department has approved the project. (The recommendation and report can be found at:
Circling the News sent an August 24 email to City Planner Nick Vasuthasawat. “Am I interpreting this correctly? Even though this project is opposed by the Community, i.e. the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC), The PPCC Land Use committee, the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board, The Pacific Palisades Residents Association, the Edgewater Condo Tower Association and many residents in town, it still received approval from Planning? Is the Mayor supporting this project?” CTN is waiting for a response.
In an earlier email, CTN had asked Vasuthasawat if CD 11 Councilman had taken a position on the project. On August 17, Vasuthasawat responded “I have not received a position from the council office on this project.”
Today, in an email from PPCC Chair David Card to Bonin’s planning deputy Jason Douglas (Subject: Jack in the Bos development 17346 Sunset Blvd. – August 27 hearing) Card wrote, “Jason, thank you for calling. As a planning deputy for Mike Bonin / CD11, you wanted to know PPCC’s position on this project. We have been and continue to be opposed to this project. Please see the attached documents we have submitted to the Planning Dept.”
An August 24 letter from Edgewaters Towers Condominium Homeowners Association Lawyer Tom Donovan to the City Planning commission, Donovan noted that there was an omission in the 1,449-page document prepared by the City Planning.
“Edgewater submitted a letter of opposition dated 7/2/20 by email, prior to the public hearing on 7/6/20. Receipt was acknowledged by Planning prior to the hearing. Yet Edgewater’s 7/2/20 opposition was not attached as an exhibit to Planning’s Recommendation Report, which failed to directly address it and its contents.
“On 7/17/20, Edgewater also submitted a 7/13/20 report from Edgewater’s consulting geotechnical experts, ENGEO. Yet this report was not attached as an exhibit to Planning’s Recommendation Report and the Recommendation Report failed to directly address it and its contents.”
Donovan also points out that when the DRB rejected the design, instead of requesting the applicant make some changes, Planning went to its Professional Volunteer Program for approval of the project. He notes those volunteers are unidentified, and that Palisades residents input was ignored.
“This is an example of Planning actively pushing for and supporting a project against community’s wishes,” he wrote, noting that Planning approved the doubling of the permitted height (from 30 feet to 60 feet, 9 inches) and FAR, because of four Very Low-Income units.
The lawyer points out that the plan does not comply with the community and specific plans.
“Planning erroneously states that Edgewater’s building was constructed in 1983. This is false,” Donovan said. “The Edgewater buildings were constructed in 1963.” That means that Edgewater was built before the Coastal Act and cannot be used by Planning to say that complex set a precedent. “In fact, if this building [Jack-in-the-Box] were allowed, it would set the precedent for future five-story buildings at Sunset and PCH.”
Donovan also points out that the project will increase to daily traffic vehicle trips at Sunset and PCH by 514 – but points out that analysis was done more than two years ago, and not done in tandem with the new condos/rentals that are opening on Tramonto. Additionally, in this project, there is one only one parking space for each residential unit and no guest parking is provided.
A City Planning Commission hearing will be held via Zoom at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 27, regarding 17346 Sunset Blvd. (the Jack-in-the-Box site). The meeting can be heard by dialing (213) 621-2489 OR (818) 904-9450. The meeting can also be accessed by ( AND USE MEETING ID: 956 7271 8382.)
Members of the public who wish to watch the meeting and offer public comment to the City Planning Commission can either access the link located above or call (669) 900-9128 and use Meeting ID No. 956 7271 8382 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant.

Developers would like to turn this single story building at Sunset Boulevard, near Pacific Coast Highway into a five-story mixed-use building.
I am a resident of Pacific Palisades and opposed to this project.
With all the community groups against this, why would the city of LA green light this development? Is there money involved?
City planners should follow the codes, including density bonus state and city statutes so that much need housing, including low income homes can be built.