Props to Palisades Teens:
About two years ago, I volunteered to help with the refurbishing of the teen area at the Palisades branch library. During these past two years, I have had the pleasure of working with and around Palisades teens. The culmination of the two years was the kickoff of a native pollinator garden, an art exhibit by Pali High art students and the community room filled with photographs from Pali High photography students.
I have also seen more and more teens use the library to study, to meet with tutors and to work on group projects, including Teen Council/Teens Leading Change.
Most importantly, I have experienced firsthand how incredible our local teens are. Their intelligence, creativity, and vision for the future is remarkable. I truly feel comfortable knowing we are in good hands with this generation of young people.
Sandy Eddy
Friends of Palisades Library Board Member
Thank you!