Five Must Dos in August in Pacific Palisades
- GIVE BLOOD on Sunday, August 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Corpus Christi Hall, 890 Toyopa Dr. Make an appointment online. Visit: and enter sponsor code Corpus Christi.
MOVIES IN THE PARK are free every Saturday in August at dusk on the Field of Dreams at the Palisades Recreation Center, 851 Alma Real. August 4 is “The Lion King,” August 11 is “You’ve Got Mail,” August 18 is “Guardians of the Galaxy” and the last movie on August 25 is “Coco.” If your kids are grown, get away from the computer and Nextdoor, pack a picnic supper and come meet your neighbors and enjoy the outdoors. On August 11, especially—make it a date night. Personally, I love “Lion King” so much, I’ll probably make that one, too.
- An ART SHOW reception featuring local artists will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, August 11 at the Palisades Library community room, 861 Alma Real. Art will be on display in the library through August. Support the Pacific Palisades Art Association.
- PALIHI FOOTBALL. The Palisades High School athletes and musicians always need your support. Come cheer the football team as head coach Tim Hyde starts his sixth season. Last year’s team went 8-4 and finished third in the Western League behind Fairfax and Venice. The cheerleaders and band have been practicing since July and could use everyone’s support, too. The Dolphins have a scrimmage against El Camino Real on August 10 at the stadium, and the opener will be against Cleveland on August 17. JV plays at 4 p.m., varsity at 7. Parking is free and the seats all have great views. Tickets last year were $7 for adults and $5 for kids. It might be slightly higher this year, PaliHi is still waiting to see what price the league sets.
- WRITING CONTEST—The Friends of the Palisades Library is sponsoring its annual creative writing contest, which is open to children, teens and adults. The theme this year is chocolate, vanilla and strawberry and entries must be submitted by September 4. Writing prizes (in each category) are gift certificates to Diesel Books in Brentwood. First place is $100, second place is $50 and third is $25. Have your children refresh their writing skills before school starts—and join them penning a story of your own. Make the contest a new family tradition. Visit:
(Personal challenge—I plan to enter and I hope that enough adults pen something so that I am beaten badly. The last time the contest was held for adults, I took second.)