
  • Palisades Honorary Mayors Honored in Hollywood

    Billy Crystal Adds Footprints at Chinese Theatre By BERNICE FOX Special to Circling the News One of Pacific Palisades’ two current honorary mayors now has foot and handprints
  • Chamber Music Palisades Concert April 16

    L.A. Philharmonic Brass Stars to Headline Members of Los Angeles Philharmonic’s brass section will perform at Chamber Music Palisades’ final concert of the season at 8 p.m.
  • Wishnick Is Rotary’s Business Person of the Year

    Wishnick Honored for Business/Community Service It was unanimous among Pacific Palisades Rotarians that Arnie Wishnick should be named the 2018 Rotary Business Person of the
  • EDITORIAL: Let’s Hear the Councilman’s Secret Plans

    Bonin Does What Politicians Do Best: Deflect On April 8, City Councilman Mike Bonin’s Facebook page proclaimed, “Yes, I am in favor of taking care of our seniors! A handful
  • Theatre Palisades:Play Opens, Playwright Festival Underway

    ‘Clybourne Park’ Examines Racial Attitudes “Clybourne Park,” which won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2011, opened at Theatre Palisades this past weekend and will run
  • Landscaping Invites Us to Spend More Time with Nature

    Palisades Garden Club Tour Offers Six Gardens By LIBBY MOTIKA and LAURIE ROSENTHAL Photos: Tom Hofer Special to Circling the News Embark on this year’s Pacific Palisades
  • Palisadian Focuses on Kennedy’s Assassination  

    Stu Krieger Pens a Novel, ‘That One Cigarette’ By LAUREL BUSBY Contributing Writer Stu Krieger exudes a sunny warmth that envelops the characters and world of his first
  • Palisades DRB Taken off Caruso Project: Why?

    Bonin Has NOT Replaced DRB Members: Why? The Pacific Palisades Design Review Board (DRB) has lost members due to term limits. For many months, the DRB has asked Councilman
  • LETTER–Money Needs to Be Used

    Sidewalk Is Not Handicapped Accessible (Editor’s note: After the story “BID Questioned about Parking Meter Funds: Is the Group Going to Reject a $50,000 Grant?” Long-time
  • Catch ‘No Good Nick’ on Netflix

    Palisadians Create a New Comedy Series Local residents David H. Steinberg and Keetgi Kogan have created an original series, “No Good Nick,” that was picked up by Netflix with