
  • Rotary Demotion Party Held

      The Palisades Rotary Club held its annual demotion party on June 26, at the Bel-Air Bay Club.  When a new president is selected for the upcoming year, the “old” leader
  • Grand Marshal Steve Guttenberg Brings Optimism to the Fourth

      (Editor’s note: This story appeared first in the 2024 Palisades Americanism Parade Association Fourth of July publication is reprinted with permission.) Steve
  • Enter the Patriotic Home Contest

    (Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the 2024 Palisades Americanism Parade Association Fourth of July Parade program and is reprinted with permission.) By
  • Woman Attacks Will Rogers Beach Goers

    A woman, described as a transient, attacked a family in Temescal Park near Pacific Coast Highway. She then fled across PCH to Will Rogers State Beach, where she assaulted
  • Need a Laugh? Watch Short and Hader

    Former Palisades Honorary Mayor Martin Short has unleashed Jiminy Glick on Bill Hader. And it’s so funny that Hader could not keep it together. Jiminy Glick is
  • Skydivers Return to the Palisades Parade this Year

    One of the most eagerly awaited aspects of the Palisades Parade is the sky divers who land on Sunset Boulevard at Swarthmore to start the parade. This year Tom Falzone, a
  • Funeral for William N. Wishard, III, Tomorrow, June 28

    A memorial and worship service to remember William N. Wishard, III, 82, will be held tomorrow, Friday, June 28, at 1:30 EST at the Second Presbyterian Church, in
  • Portraits of Hope Asked to Participate in Nation’s 250th Anniversary

      Palisades resident Ed Massey and his brother Bernie received a May 30 letter from the National Park Service, National Mall and Memorial Parks (NAMA), asking to partner
  • Remember the Year? . . . . Parade President Vows to Improve Local Participation

    (Editor’s note: With the approaching Fourth of July Parade, it seems appropriate to learn about a prior PAPA President, the late Hank Ullerich, in a 1994 story written by
  • Coast Sports Camps Define Fun

    Summer used to be a time when kids were just allowed to play, from the moment they woke up until it was time for bed. Now with both parents working, how can one replicate