
  • Placing American Flags on the Green

    Pepperdine annually places an American flag for the almost 3,000 people who were killed on the 911. It is a breathtaking display. In 2021, the American Legion Auxiliary went
  • GUILTY: But – Kupfer’s Nightmare Continues

    After the jury left the courtroom at 9:45, it took just a little over an hour for them to elect a jury foreman and then come back with guilty in the first-degree for
  • Artist Martha Meade Will Teach September Painting Class

      Martha Meade’s painting classes, which have been periodically held, have been widely popular. Now, a new class will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 21
  • Kupfer Murder Case Goes to Jury September 10

    “This was not a movie, not a crime novel, not a fantastical story,” said District attorney Habib Bailian at the downtown courtroom in the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal
  • Economically Deprived Individuals in Palisades

    It would seem impossible that there would be economically deprived individuals in Pacific Palisades, but once you read the definition, one knows it is true. Economic
  • Sing for Ice Cream: Oceanaires and an Ice Cream Social

    The Oceanaires, an a cappella barbershop chorus, invites the community to an afternoon of music and fine frozen confections from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 14, at the
  • Lane Closures This Week on Pacific Coast Highway

    One lane of Pacific Coast Highway was closed in each direction overnight on September 6. The overnight closures will continue nightly from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Monday, September
  • PaliHi Wins Charter Bowl, Defeating Granada Hills

    “Redemption,” said Palisades High School Football Coach Dylen Smith. “We have one redemption. Now we go for another next week.” PaliHi beat Granada Hills 42 to 28, claiming
  • Viewpoint: The Polio Question: Why Weren’t Gaza Kids Inoculated?

    As a mother of three, my kids were inoculated against polio when they were small. I was flummoxed by seeing older children in Gaza being given the vaccination. I relooked at
  • Library Events to Mark on the September Calendar

      SAVED BY A STORY: Senior Writing Group meets the second and fourth Mondays at 1 p.m. Next meeting is September 9, in the Palisades Community Room at the library 861