Catching Up with Readers: LAPD, Recycling and Emergency Alerts

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Councilman Mike Bonin voted to defund the police.

In a November 11 Circling the News story (“In Light of LAPD Budget Cuts, Will Pacific Palisades Retain One Patrol Car and a Beach Detail?”), one reader wrote: “I think it is sad that they are cutting the police. Why? People around the Palisades do not care because they all have private security.”

Another reader wrote, “If you are concerned about deteriorating safety in L.A. and the planned termination of the police beach patrol in Pacific Palisades, you may want to attend this meeting.”

Mike Bonin is hosting a “Crime & Public Safety Town Hall” virtual meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, November 16. In addition to Bonin, LAPD Chief Michael Moore and Deputy Mayor of Public Safety Jeff Gorell will speak. In order to attend, you must RSVP: Bonin Town Hall.

Given that Bonin will likely run for reelection in 2022, let him know how you feel about LAPD budget cuts. When you register to attend, you are allowed to ask three questions on the registration form.

Circling the News directed this question to Bonin: “Why is the City Council defunding the police? What statistics do you have that show this will be safer for L.A. City communities?”


Masks and gloves have started to litter the streets around the town. Who will pick them up?

In the November 11 Musings, where I complained about the growing amount of plastic bags and Covid-19 face masks littering the sidewalks and streets in our town, a reader responded:

“Ralphs allows you to use reusable bags as long as you bag the items yourself. They don’t touch the bags, but you can fill them after things are scanned.  I think Gelson’s also does, from what I have observed, but I haven’t asked since I rarely get more than a couple of items and carry them out.”

Another reader wrote, “You can use reusable bags again at stores, at least the ones I’ve been going to, including Gelson’s. At Smart and Final, they just ask me to pack my own groceries if I’m using reusable bags, but at Gelson’s they pack them for you.”



Regarding my Viewpoint that the City Emergency Management team had misused the system by urging people to get tested for Covid-19, a reader wrote: “Love the ‘Crying Wolf’ story! So true!!! [However], I don’t agree with your stance on testing. Like you, we have aging parents and worry about the inevitable spread of the virus to the vulnerable.” (Editor’s note: I took no stance on testing—I have been tested once and was negative.  If people are interacting with aging parents (or people with comorbidities), they should consider being tested. My issue was with the City putting out three EMERGENCY alerts in one evening on a system that had previously been used to warn us about fire evacuations.)

At least three other readers commented on Circling the News website expressing similar views.

One citizen said “I successfully unsubscribed from the system yesterday. Your using it to request Covid tests is not an emergency.”

Today I received a note from Jessica Kellogg, public information officer with the Emergency Management Department, who wrote: “We will keep this in mind as we continue to cope with the changing dynamics of the pandemic.”


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