JANUARY 2019: Burning Questions That Were Asked and That Have an Answer

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Question: What happened to the bicycle racks at Palisades Village that were required in the plan?

A reader asked what happened to the 14 sidewalk- mounted bicycle racks that were supposed to be placed on Swarthmore across from the Bay Theatre and the 10 sidewalk-mounted bicycle racks that were supposed to be placed on Monument.

Answer: Sue Kohl, a member of the Pacific Palisades Community Council, said the bike racks are located on P1 in the parking lot. Several racks went up on Monument.

Question: Why did the Chamber stop paying for trash pickup in the Marquez Avenue business area?

The Chamber of Commerce announced it would no longer solicit funds from residents to expedite trash pick up around town, because it felt that the Business Improvement District should take over that duty.

Answer: The laws governing BIDs state that they are not allowed to offer services outside their specific defined area (Visit: palisadesbid.org). Therefore, the BID must cease collecting trash in areas that are not within its perimeter (from Carey to Via de la Paz).

A caravan of about 40 teachers, parents and students gathered in front of LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner’s home in the Riviera section of the Palisades.

Question: Why did LAUSD teachers go on strike in January?

Teachers wanted a 6.5 percent raise retroactive to 2016 and a reduction in class size. According to LAUSD’s pay schedule, a beginning teacher’s salary is $50,368, which can rise to more than $80,000 for 182 days of work (two are student-free). Teachers are paid for 22 holidays and the District pays classroom teachers who hold National Board Certification an additional 15 percent salary compensation.

Answer: Teachers received a six percent raise, three percent retroactive and three percent ongoing. There was no funding to support the raise and a parcel tax [Measure EE] was rejected by L.A. residents in June. District projections show L.A. Unified spending $577 million more than it will take in next year alone and falling some $700 million in the red by 2021-22.

A Potrero Canyon Ground breaking was held on Tuesday with help from (left to right) Debby Dyner-Harris (former Bonin District Director),  Bonin Field Deputy Lisa Cahill, Councilman Mike Bonin and Norman Kulla (former Bonin Senior Counsel). Photo: Courtesy Mike Bonin

Question: Why was yet another Potrero Park groundbreaking held?

When the parking garage was dug for Caruso’s Palisades Village, that dirt was transported to Potrero Canyon for fill from 2016-2017. About 20 people assembled for this groundbreaking down near PCH. Councilman Mike Bonin on January 23 said, “Finally! After decades of delays, Potrero Canyon Park is moving forward!

Answer: Photo ops.

Question: What killed the transient who tried to cross PCH between Chautauqua and Temescal Canyon on January 15?

Answer:  He was struck by a car, while attempting to cross six lanes of traffic on Pacific Coast Highway. At the time, Circling the News asked Community Council President George Wolfberg if there would be money from Potrero funds to build a bridge across PCH. He replied, “The money will come from the balance in the Potrero Canyon Trust Fund after the grading and landscape contracts are paid for. We do not have an estimate and will not until the landscape contract is let. Whether that covers the price of the bridge is to be determined.”

Second Answer: As long as these highway deaths involve only transients, there will be no public outcry for a pedestrian bridge or other crossing on PCH between Chautauqua and Temescal Canyon Rd.


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