Halloween decorations abound this year,
Circling the News asked readers if they had noticed that there seemed to be more Halloween as opposed to Fourth of July residential decorations. The Palisades Americanism Parade Association helps host the annual Fourth of July decoration contest.
One reader wrote: “I was just talking about this with someone who has a decorating business. This Halloween seems to be off the charts this year. “
The resident pointed out that last Halloween, some schools still had Covid measures – and parents were still juggling the back to school and working from home.
“This year Covid is treated like any viral infection or cold,” the reader said, noting that “Halloween is back in full effect- parties and all. People are decorating in hopes for trick or treaters and parties.”
Why don’t more people decorate for the 4th? The thoughtful reader wrote, “The Fourth of July is my favorite holiday – especially in Pacific Palisades, but even my decorating is super minimal.”
The reader pointed out that no one goes door to door and admires the decorations, which are generally appreciated by those who are trick or treating.
For the Fourth, “it’s for your own pleasure, of if you are having a 4th of July parade- or maybe on the parade route,” the resident said and noted that on the Fourth, many belong to local beach clubs and spend the time there. Many residents are traveling over the summer months. “There is less neighborhood activity unless you live on the 10K route or parade route,” the resident said.

A coven of witches was in the parkway of the Alphabet Streets.