These pumpkin plants are looking for good homes and are available now.
Village Green Board President Marge Gold said that on Sunday, April 25, organic tomato plants will be given away free, starting at 10 a.m. on the Green (Sunset at Swarthmore).
“These plants, grown from seed by board member Betsy Collins, will be ready to plant in the ground,” Gold said. “We invite people to stop by and pick up a free plant.”
Bruce Schwartz will once again give free pumpkin plants to anyone who contacts him. He has about 50 to give away and Circling the News has already received and planted one of his Big Macs. We grew them in the front yard last year and carved them for Halloween.
Last March, when the Covid-19 lockdowns began, Schwartz (a former Citizen of the Year) offered pumpkin plants to anybody who wanted to try to grow them.
Several residents, including Jan Victor, took him up on his offer. “My plant grew very quickly, which was fun for my granddaughters and me to watch,” Victor told CTN last October. “Decades ago, when my children were small, I did have a small vegetable garden one summer. We got only one ear of corn from our corn crop!”
Victor said the most challenging part was protecting the plant from the squirrels. “One morning I came out to find the pumpkins almost totally devoured, but Bruce brought me two replacement plants.
“I wound up moving the plants to the edge of my patio, fencing them in and covering them with a tarp at night,” Victor said. “Sonic plug-ins helped too. Bruce was wonderful — he stopped by to check on my progress many times.”
If you’ve never grown vegetables before, “Farmer Schwartz” will advise you on planting, fertilizing, watering and how to grow a “jack-o-lantern.” Schwartz said he would be at the corner of Antioch and Swarthmore by the Village Green on Saturday morning from 8:30 to 10 a.m. If you can’t make it then to pick up a free plant, text him at 310-779-1773 or email bruceschwartz80@gmail.com.

Pumpkins grown, under the tutelage of Bruce Schwartz, on a front lawn last year were carved into jack-o-lanterns.
My favorite movie theatre here in the desert just reopened. Just in time for me
to see the new William Shatner film. “Senior Moments” . An appropriate sounding
movie title for the many seniors here! And it all takes place in Palm Sprimgs!