(Editor’s note: This story ran in the Martin County Booster weekly paper on July 10.)

Noma Sazama, either checking her text messages or playing Candy Crush, at state church meeting at the end of June. Sazama regularly donates blood.
It’s true. You’re never too old to donate blood. While donors must be at least 16 years of age, there is no upper age limit.
Noma Sazama, who turns 95 in September, is a regular blood donor. Her accumulated donations to date equal about 8 gallons.
Sazama knows how precious blood is. When giving birth to her first child, Sazama hemorrhaged and needed a blood transfusion. She has been a diligent donor ever since.
Sazama said, “Donating blood is an easy way to help others. It’s not painful, it takes less than an hour of my time, and I feel fine after donating. I simply follow Vitalant’s guidelines to drink plenty of fluids and have a good meal after donating.”
Sazama will be giving blood again at the community’s next blood drive on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at the American Legion Club on Highway 18 in Martin. The blood drive is operated by Vitatlant and hosted by Bennett County American Legion Auxiliary Unit 240. Donation times are still available. If you would like to donate, you may schedule an appointment at Bitalant.org using the blood drive code “martin” or you may call Garnet Audiss.
As a special summer promotion, people ages 18 and over who donate with Vitalant between July 8 and July 27, 2024 will be automatically entered to win $30,000 towards a new car. Details are available at Vitalant.org/cargiveaway.
New donors are encouraged and greatly appreciated.
(Editor’s note: Noma Sazama, is this editor’s mother. She has six children, is a master gardener, plays bridge, is a member of the Lutheran church and Legion Auxiliary. She also belongs to a “walking” group that meets twice a week at the high school and logs miles walking around the perimeter of the gym floor in Martin, South Dakota.)