Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club crew worked concessions at the Genesis golf tournament in order to help fund grants for local nonprofits.
The Woman’s Club, which has been serving the community since 1925, continues its annual tradition of awarding grants to local nonprofits. Since so many events were shut down during Covid, the need was great and the recipients grateful for the long-standing tradition.
Over the decades, the club has awarded more than $1 million in grants to various organizations. Woman’s Club member Kat Holland, who served on the allocation committee announced on July 9, that 14 organizations that are located or serve residents in Pacific Palisades would receive a portion of $10,000.
The Woman’s Club, who had rented out the Clubhouse during Covid, had only returned to the actual clubhouse on July 1, so awards were not done in person.
This year members participated in a Christmas Boutique, worked at the Genesis Open Golf Tournament, worked with Amazon purchases and made personal donations, in order to fund the grants.
“We are contacting the grantees presently regarding distribution of funds,” Holland said and noted that “recipients responded with gratitude and appreciation of PPWC ongoing support.
“Some had specific identified uses for funds: the school completing a building project, sponsoring one in series of concerts or events, going towards staffing or materials needed,” she said. “Most were using funds in conjunction with their mission statements.”
This year schools or school organizations that received support included Palisades Charter High School, Canyon Elementary School, and the Pride Booster Club (Paul Revere Middle School).
Youth organization receiving funds were “Los Angeles Youth Orchestra,” which serves more than 120 students each season from Los Angeles, and money is used for hall rentals. Visit: losangelesyouthorchestra.org.
The Western L.A. County Council Boy Scouts generally uses its funds for maintaining the Camp Josepho site. Visit: campjosepho.org.
Palisades-Malibu YMCA Executive Director Mark Kirtley told CTN “The Y is grateful for the award from the Woman’s Club and will be using the funds to help support the Y’s Teen Programs.”
Voice for the Animals Foundation uses its grant to help with spaying, neutering, vaccination and medical care for animals. Visit: vftafoundation.org.
Resilient Palisades co-founder Ryan Craig said, “We plan to allocate the grant to the Clean Air & Water team, which is launching an exciting pilot program which will help select gardeners in the Palisades replace gas equipment with electric.”
Clean Air & Water team members: Janice Crystal, Susan Fairbairn, Susie Fitzgerald, Sheda Morshed, Cynthia Ogle, and Gail Wirth expressed gratitude to the Woman’s Club for the gift and hope that this pilot will spell the demise of noisy, polluting gas-powered blowers and mowers in our community.
The Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness, received a grant, which will help fund its two outreach professionals. Visit: pptfh.org. Marge Gold, the President of the Palisades Village Green, said the nonprofit planned to use the grant money for bench refinishing. “The Village Green is so appreciative of the Woman’s Club’s continuing support of the local nonprofits,” Gold said.
Another local organization that must raise money every year in order to host the 4th of July Festivities in Pacific Palisades is the Palisadian Americanism Parade Association (PAPA). Visit: Palisades4th.org.
The grant for Meals on Wheels goes towards the purchase of meals that will be provided to clients living in Pacific Palisades. Visit: mealsonwheelswest.org.
Chamber Music Palisades (CMP) was founded in 1997 by two professional musicians, Susan Greenberg and Delores Stevens, both longtime residents of the Palisades. In addition to bringing to the Westside the familiar classic repertoire performed by outstanding musicians, CMP has commissioned and premiered new works, primarily by local and regional musicians. Visit: cmpalisades.org.
The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foundation (Griefhaven) is a nonprofit started by Palisadian Susan Whitmore after her daughter Erika died unexpectedly from a rare sinus cancer. The money will provide scholarships for ongoing grief support groups for parents. Visit: griefhaven.org.
In addition to making grants and allowing outside vendors and groups to use the Clubhouse facility on Haverford, the Woman’s Club also hosts a festive birthday party/luncheon for residents who are 90 and older and holds a free influenza vaccination clinic in the fall.
The 90th Birthday Party for residents will be held this fall and residents are asked to help Woman’s Club members identify those town residents. Visit: theppwc.org.