Rosalie Huntington Receives Poll-Worker Training for New Voting System – And Offers Tips for Voters

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The Palisades Recreation Center is the sole place to vote in Pacific Palisades in the upcoming primary.

Palisadian Rosalie Huntington, who has worked as a poll worker on election day for several years in Pacific Palisades, has been trained to handle the new voting system in Los Angeles.

“One take-away is that voters should bring their sample ballots, even if they have all their choices memorized,” Huntington said. “There is an individual bar code on each sample ballot. That bar code will speed voters through the check-in process. Without the sample ballot and its bar code, check-in could be slow.

“So voters should do themselves – and everyone in line behind them – a favor and bring their sample ballot to the Vote Center,” she said.

Polls will open at some, but not all, Vote Centers in L.A. County this Saturday, February 22, and be open through “Super” Tuesday, March 3. Voters can vote at any center in the county.

The only voting center in Pacific Palisades is located in the small gym at the Palisades Recreation Center. It will open beginning Saturday, February 29. None of the prior locations at Aldersgate, the Bel-Air Bay Club, Marquez School or the American Legion will be open for voting.

Huntington said, “My training was from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. There’s training nearly every day throughout the county. I hope I will be assigned to the Palisades Vote Center, but I haven’t received my assignment yet.”

Vote Centers will be open prior to March 3 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but on Election Day, the hours will be extended from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


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