Rain, Blessed Rain, Fell in Pacific Palisades

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The rain started in the evening of November 6 and after several showers and downpours, the sun finally came out on November 9.

There were reports of several traffic accidents and garbage cans floating down the street.

The rain gauge on Radcliffe showed 1.7 inches of rain. That brings the total to 2.5 inches of rain for the year. On September 9, there was .4 inches of rain and again on November 2, another .4 inches was added.

The rainfall season starts on July 1 and runs through June 30 and the annual average in Pacific Palisades is 13.78 inches of rain.

The late Ted Mackie served as Palisades assistant rainmeister for years.

In November 2014, he shared a chart with a local paper of the rainfall over the past 73 years.

The driest cycle was the five years between 1987 and 1991, when Pacific Palisades received less than 10 inches of rain each year.His table showed the five driest years on record were 1976, 1990, 2007, 2012 and 2014.

The five years with heaviest rainfall accumulation were 1978, 1983, 1995, 1998 and 2006.

The most rain recorded in the Palisades since 1942 was 42.60 inches in 1997-1998.

Although 2020-21 recorded 4.26 inches of rain, 2006-07, still was the driest year with 4.11 inches of rain.

Last year, Palisades received 10.94 inches of rain.

2015-16 received 9.07 inches of rain.

2016-17 received 17.99 inches of rain.

2017-18 received 6.04 inches of rain.

2018-19 received 19.68 inches of rain.

2019-20 received 13.82 inches of rain.

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