Parents at Palisades Elementary must raise money for extracurricular extras such as the art, music and physical education.
With a few years off for Covid, Palisades Elementary is coming back strong with plans for its annual run/walkathon on April 27. This will be the first one held since 2019, continuing a 25-year-tradition.
“The annual Pali Elementary Walk-a-Thon is an important tradition because it raises money for staffing and enrichment programs while promoting physical fitness, engaging the community, and giving students an active role in supporting their school,” said parent organizer Jamie Riley Donner
All students, kindergarten through fifth grade will have 20 minutes to complete as many laps as they can around the school track.
Students have asked family and neighbors to pledge money for each lap. Parents count the laps.
Walkathon organizers, Jen and Kevin Pazirandeh, Robyn Taniguchi, Theresa Diamond, Helen Carvalho and Ruth Luk said, “If a student knocks on your door, please consider making a pledge or donation to support them.”
Or if your kids went to Pali Elementary or you want to make a donation to help, visit: paliwalkathon.org (or scan the QR code below). “Every little bit helps,” said Riley Donner.
In addition to supporting healthy kids, the money raised will go towards additional staff (teachers and aides), as well as running the extra programming that LAUSD doesn’t cover such as music, garden, computer lab and . . .physical education.
If enough funds are raised, they will be used to help fund a new turf field at the school.
“Let’s make this year’s Pali Elementary Walkathon the best one year,” organizers said.