Nancy Benay Will Discuss French Orchids September 19 

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At the September 19 meeting of the Malibu Orchid Society, held in Pacific Palisades, Nancy Benay will speak “On the Orchid Trail in Southeastern France: The Orchids of the Valley of Saint Genis.”

Benay will showcase the biodiversity and native orchids of the Valley of Saint Genis.

That area is considered one of the top five orchid habitats in France, with more than 40 species, hybrids and curious pelorics that are found throughout the hills and meadows in the valley. (Editor’s note: A peloric is a term that may apply to the pattern of the color on a blossom, its floral anatomy, or both.)

Benay is a retired university administrator, a long-time orchid hobbyist, and Francophile.  She was the Assistant Editor for the Orchid Digest and has served on their editorial committee since 2011. Benay was the Secretary for the Corporation from 2012-2017.

Nancy Benay

She began her fascination for terrestrial orchids, particularly European Native Orchids, in 2008.  Since then, she has become familiar with the hundreds of species found in France, partly through participating in guided day tours organized by Regional Orchid Associations that are under the umbrella of France’s National Orchid Society based in Paris.  This enabled her to meet many native orchid specialists and to visit numerous extraordinary habitats.

Nancy’s in-depth familiarity with France and her affinity for its indigenous orchids have resulted in her leading three organized tours. The first orchid tour took place in 2016 under the auspices of the Orchid Conservation Alliance.

The following two were sponsored by the Orchid Digest followed in 2018 and May 2023.

Members, guests and first-time visitors are invited to attend this meeting, for a virtual trip to Southeastern France. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Community Methodist Church Hart Lounge, 801 Via de la Paz. Refreshments are served and there is generally a raffle to win orchids.




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