Temple Horner took first in the bike decorating contest in 2017 with his eagle bike.
Photo: Shelby Pascoe
Decorating Contest and Parade
Youth who want to enter the bicycle decorating contest must come to The Yogurt Shoppe at 873 Swarthmore (across from CVS) with their decorated bike between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 3. Authorization forms will be handed out and a photo of each entry will be taken.
Judges will scrutinize photos, and awards will be presented on July 4 as the bike owners assemble for the parade (at Palisades Elementary). Only those who have had their photos taken on July 3 will be eligible for prizes.
There will be a $75, $50 and $25 yogurt gift card for first, second and third place.
Youth do not need to enter the contest to ride in the parade. Riders need a helmet and a completed authorization form, which can be picked up before the parade at The Yogurt Shoppe, or downloaded from the parade website (visit: palisades4th.com).
On July 4, bike riders will assemble at the beginning of the parade route on Via de la Paz at Bowdoin between 1:15 and 1:30 p.m. Kids should come with their parents and guardians; water bottles are recommended. Parade start time is 2 p.m. Participants can leave the parade route at any time.
Visit: theyogurtshoppe.com or call (310) 459-0088.

Jimmy Levy took first in 2016 with his decorating prowess.
Photo: Courtesy Yogurt Shoppe