Sue Kohl will step in as the new president of the Palisades Community Council on July 1, and is seeking a youth advisor for the coming year.
Resident and realtor Sue Kohl will step in as the Pacific Palisades Community Council President starting July 1. She is looking for a student, from a private or public high school, to serve as a “Youth Advisor” for the coming year.
Kohl said the youth advisor would be expected to attend PPCC meetings (20 per year) on Thursday evenings from about 6 until 8 p.m. The student should have technical and Zoom skills, because the majority of PPCC meetings are held via zoom.
“He/she could give updates on student/youth issues and weigh in on community issues being discussed,” Kohl said, and added that this person would help her run the Zoom meetings, allowing community members in as they log on, and provide screen sharing capability to representatives and visitors making presentations.
“I would like my focus to be on running meetings, rather than on Zoom,” Kohl said.
The student would not only get community service hours and community engagement experience, but Kohl said, “I’d be happy to write a letter of recommendation that could be used for college applications, internships and job applications.”
Kohl can be reached via email: president@pacpalicc.org.