When you graduated from high school, most likely you purchased a yearbook. Many of you still have that annual and appreciate how important it was to commemorate your senior year.
In particular, the Class of 2020 at Palisades High, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, will not have a prom and most likely will not have a graduation at the stadium. And some of these seniors will not have the financial means to purchase a yearbook.
Pacific Palisades resident Rick Steil, who is the AP photography teacher and yearbook advisor at PaliHi, alerted Circling the News that residents can help gift a yearbook to a graduating senior.
Students come from all over Los Angeles to attend Pali, and many will not have the money ($85) for a yearbook, especially those whose parents are out of work because of shelter-at-home restrictions.
“The yearbook class came up with the idea of putting a book in every senior’s hand,” Steil said. “There are 715 seniors and 288 of them have not yet ordered the yearbook. We would like to send a yearbook to every member of the 2020 senior class, no matter their situation.”
In a letter shared with CTN, the 25-member yearbook class wrote: “We are a devoted group committed to creating a book that preserves students’ high school experiences for years to come. These books are especially important to seniors, as it is a recap of their high school journey and a piece of memorabilia that they will cherish for the rest of their life.
“When the final bell rang on March 12th, these students were unaware that it would be the last day they spent together as high schoolers,” the yearbook staff wrote. “We want all seniors to have the chance to remember the amazing memories they made their last year of high school. That is why we need your help. Our goal is to raise money so that every senior has the opportunity to receive a yearbook. Any amount is greatly appreciated. The students made the memories, we preserved them. Please help us put a yearbook into the hands of every student in the class of 2020.”
In order to ensure that the 288 students who have not purchased the book will receive one, the yearbook staff needs to raise $6,375. Donations are tax-deductible.
You can donate online through the Pali Student Store (go.palihigh.org/store) and once you donate, email palihighyearbook2020@gmail.com with the donation amount and they will send a tax-deductible receipt.
Checks can be made out to Palisades Charter High School and sent to 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272; Attention: Yearbook Donation/Store.
Steil, speaking on behalf of the yearbook staff, wrote: “Giving every senior an annual has become the yearbook goal since we left school on March 12. Thanks for the help with this goal.”