Dan Mabe, founder of American Green Zone Alliance, will address Pacific Palisades residents about the positive effects of switching from gas-powered blowers to electric.
Resilient Palisades will present a free discussion about gas-powered blowers from 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, February 2.
Dan Mabe, landscape expert and American Green Zone Alliance founder, will host a discussion that aims to teach residents how to achieve low noise/zero emissions landscaping. Mabe will offer tips on how to start the conversation with your gardener. (Register: ResilientPalisades.org/events)
Many residents may not know that gas-powered landscaping equipment (leaf blowers and mowers) release more smog into the air then cars on the road. These machines also produce compounds that linger at ground-level, including benzene, butadiene and formaldehyde – all of which have been found on the interior surfaces of homes that have gas-powered-maintained gardens. That is not healthy for kids or pets or the environment.
Helping your gardener switch to zero-emission maintenance equipment will create a quieter and healthier community and is a safer and cheaper alternative to gas.
Mabe will offer the latest zero-emissions alternatives on the market, free in-person gardener training at your own home and updates on the latest rebates (up to 70%) for commercial-grade equipment. The South Coast Air Quality Management District offers an incentive and an exchange program for commercial electric lawn and garden equipment (up to 75 percent off). Homeowners are encouraged to help their gardener with a purchase.
According to the AQMD, the program goal is to improve air quality by having gardeners exchange older, polluting gasoline-or-diesel-powered commercial lawn and garden equipment for new zero emission equipment within the South Coast AQMD four- county region. Visit: aqmd.gov/home/programs/community/lawn-and-garden-equipment.)
The AQMD site highlights that gardeners could select from a wide variety of available makes and models of commercial-grade electric lawn and garden equipment, including handheld trimmers, chainsaws, pruners, backpack and handheld blowers and ride-on, stand-on, walk-behind and robotic lawn mowers.
There’s also an exchange program, which reduces the purchase price of the commercial electric lawn and garden equipment. While the South Coast AQMD will prioritize funding in EJ or disadvantaged communities, the program is available to all eligible participants who work or reside in the broader geographic area within the AQMD’s jurisdiction.
This is a great piece. Thank you for articulating the SCAQMD and AGZA collaboration and resource to the community so well.
Best regards,