Face Masks: To Wear or Not to Wear and Other Questions that Don’t Have Answers

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Beaches, trails and parks are closed to the public even if people maintain social distance.

Today on the County of Los Angeles COVID-19 update to the public, one reporter asked if a person needed to wear a mask when jogging.

“No” was the response. But businesses that are open are required to provide employees with a mask and customers who enter those businesses must also wear them.

Health officials said that we still need to maintain a six-foot social distance, even if we’re wearing a mask.

  1. Okay, so if we’re all wearing masks in Gelson’s, Ralphs and Von’s, why can’t they open the doors and let people in without counting how many people are already inside? Waiting in line in a parking lot makes no sense — and artificially creates lines.
  2. By wearing masks, we are preventing someone else from getting our germs, and if we’re socially distancing, why can’t more stores open?
  3. When people walk along the beach, generally they try to avoid getting close to another family. Why not allow people back on the beach, as long as they are wearing masks and maintaining social distancing?
  4. Why are the homeless allowed to congregate in close quarters with other homeless? Shouldn’t L.A. City give them masks, too? They have added some sinks for the homeless to use. But isn’t time that L.A. thought about a different model than “housing first?”
  5. If a father and son want to play tennis at the Palisades Recreation Center (all the nets have been taken down to discourage such activity), why can’t they play together? They live together and most likely have shared the same germs. If someone walking by is worried about catching something, can’t they simply maintain social distance and keep a mask on?
  6. Why does Chinatown have less than five cases of coronavirus (the public health site has it listed from 1-4 cases, and has since health official started keeping track in mid-March)? Pacific Palisades is listed as having 32, while the Palisades Highlands and Mandeville Canyon are listed with 1-4 cases.
  7. There were 42 new deaths on Tuesday in L.A. County attributed to coronavirus; 24 were over the age of 65, 11 were between 41-65 and one between 18 to 40. Of these fatalities, 21 people had underlying health conditions. Could the health department list the specific underlying conditions, so we would have a better understanding about those deaths?
  8. What is the current daily number of people killed by the seasonal flu? According to a March 13 story (“Flu Deaths Peak in California as Coronavirus Takes Root”), in the week ending March 7, there were 82 flu-related deaths and “younger children and adults are being hospitalized at record rates this flu season.” As of March 7, 598 flu-related deaths were reported in California. As of April 15, there were 758 deaths in California attributed to coronavirus.

Just asking.

Will Rogers State Park is closed to the public.

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3 Responses to Face Masks: To Wear or Not to Wear and Other Questions that Don’t Have Answers

  1. Paul Glasgall says:

    How come you didn’t ask why Garcetti allowed a marathon with 27000 people from 78 countries to proceed well after there was a known problem??

  2. Erin B. says:

    Many are asking the same. Confusing times.
    Most of the mandated precautions and shutdowns are to stop the rapid spread to protect our health care system (sorry folks it’s not actually about you) from collapsing under the pressure of an additional highly contagious illness. Our country’s response to covid 19 was late and slow and our healthcare system is fractured and disjointed so rapid spikes in illness can quickly overwhelm it.
    In addition to practicing new levels of hygiene, every person needs to be supplied n95 masks so we can resume some level of normalcy, open up the country and get people back to work. We don’t have to wait for a vaccine. This effort should be coordinated by federal govt and masks supplied to all the states. It’s a heck of a lot less expensive than throwing trillions of $$ into ER aid into a growing recession pit.

  3. Gary Rubenstein says:

    Good list of unanswered questions – at some point soon local officials who mandated the restrictive “Guidelines” will have to trust people to exercise their judgement to be socially responsible. Walking in the open air along the public beach path or in the mountains does not represent an unreasonable level of risk to others.

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