Dr. Mike Martini has organized blood drive in Pacific Palisades for years.
For many decades, beloved founding parishioner and retired pediatrician, Dr. Michael Martini led the annual American Red Cross Blood Drive at Corpus Christi Church, the American Legion and for the Pacific Palisades Optimist Club.
At the age of 97 he is passing the baton to others. Take time to honor Martini for his years of sparking blood drives by giving the gift of life on Sunday, August 21, from 9a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Corpus Christi Parish Hall, 880 Toyopa Drive.
Giving blood is a way of thanking Dr. Martini for all of his community efforts to help secure much-needed blood.
Donors in August receive a $10 e-gift card of choice and will be entered into a lottery with a chance to receive gas for a year ($6,000 value). Rcblood.org/fuel.
The Red Cross advises donors to sign up ahead of time by visiting Redcrossblood.org and under the sponsor code enter CorpusChristi. Or call Nina at (818) 200-3445.
Scan the QR code to complete the pre-donation reading and health history questions. One can also scan to schedule an appointment. For further questions contact Carol Sanborn (carolpacpal@aol.com)
Thank you, Sue! This is fantastic. What a wonderful picture too.
Many, many thanks!