Recipients of the Woman’s Club grants in 2020 were all smiles as they showed their checks.
Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club President Jennifer Jones-Church announced that the club will now take applications for mini-grants for the coming year. Grants may be given for organizations that work in the areas of Arts and Recreation, Community and Charitable Organizations, Education and Beautification.
To be considered for a grant, applicant organizations must be based in Pacific Palisades and/or provide services that benefit the Palisades community.
Organizations that are defined as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) are eligible for consideration with a limit of one application per organization. Preference is given to applications showing a broad community outreach.
All applications must be submitted in complete and final form by May 23. Late applicants will not be considered. click here
Questions? Call (310)745-6400 or email ppwcgrants@gmail.com.
In 2021, 20 organizations were awards grants during COVID.
Below is a partial list of organizations that have received grants in the past: EDUCATION: (Better Angels, Inc., Canyon School Booster Club, PRIDE Booster Club, Inc. , Paul Revere Middle School, FOM – Friends of Marquez, Palisades Enrichment Program, Palisades High School Booster Club, Palisades Charter School Foundation and Boy Scouts of America): ARTS AND RECREATION (YLC Ballet, Palisades-Malibu YMCA, Movies in The Park, Children’s Music Fund and Chamber Music Palisades): BEAUTIFICATION (Pacific Palisades Garden Club, Palisades Beautiful and Malibu Orchid Society): C0MMUNITY (Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness, Westside Family Health Center, Meals on Wheels, Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA), Palisades Cares, GriefHaven, The Kris Kelly Foundation, Pacific Palisades Community Council, Voice for the Animals and Pacific Palisades Historical Society.)
Visit: theppwc.org.