This image of a kid who was knocked unconscious was taken from a video. His face has been blurred to protect his identity.
One resident reached out to Circling the News with a photo and said that before “he [Daniel P] took down his account, he had a habit of posting about his victims on Tik Tok. This is one of his victims that was left unconscious in the park (it was taken from a video of Daniel bragging about beating the kid).
CTN has been told that parents haven’t reported because Daniel has threatened to “kill” the children he has assaulted.
“He has a ‘gang’ of kids and it is common knowledge that Daniel and his gang retaliate against snitches. One of the members of the gang supposedly shows a gun. The kids know that Daniel has weapons. When the LAPD went to his house they found brass knuckles and a butterfly knife, and kids know he carries a knife and taser,” a parent said.
Even as many parents were too afraid to share photos and videos of the perpetrators, one Palisades High School student knows the way to stop evil is to report it.
He wrote to CTN in the comment section: “I know every kid (although I am not friends with them) in the video, and in the picture of the knife. They have no life. Their names are the following, from left to right, in the knife picture. The kid all the way to the left is named Arshia E., a sophomore. The next kid to the right with his face covered is Daniel P., a freshman. The next to the right is Miles C., a sophomore. And the kid all the way to the right is Griffin GH., also a sophomore. They live in the Westwood area.”
The names were shared with the Palisades Charter High School principal.
That kid, should be admired for his willingness to stand up, unlike many others, including adults, who stood by and let it continue to happen out of fear. CTN did not post his comment after the story, because it would have displayed his email address.

Teens were using a large knife to intimidate other kids and have been identified by someone brave enough to do that.
There was a major fight Friday afternoon on March 8 around 3:50 on La Cruz, across from the Post Office. Reports said that there were 20 to 30 teens involved.
Someone called 911 and a fight was reported on the Citizen App.
CTN contacted Garden Café owner James Kwan, who said his cameras just shows the table areas and front door. CTN was told the fight was on the sidewalk, and street, between Village School and Seven Arrows. There are cameras at both schools and CTN contacted them asking if they could share.
Village School sent out the following to their parents:
If anyone does have a video, send it to CTN, so those kids who participated can be identified and reported to the appropriate schools, who can report to parents.
About the behavior at CVS, one person wrote “I avoid the village area like the plague when I know school is over at Pali. I’ve seen firsthand the shoplifting and destruction at CVS. Last Christmas I saw two boys “dueling” with rolls of wrapping paper. They completely destroyed the rolls of paper and just threw them in the aisle. Sunday when I was at CVS I noticed more merchandise under lock: deodorant for heaven’s sake!
Another wrote: I called CVS this morning: (800)746-7287 and asked if anyone had reported to corporate what is going on at their store #9775 and was told they had not received any calls.
The person I spoke with listened carefully to what I told him and seemed really shocked. I suggested CVS when they repaired the damaged restroom, put a sign up saying Employee’s Only, lock it (for now anyway), and also hire a minder/guard like Costco has to check all bags leaving the store. I did say that people are now afraid to shop there and that we had heard rumors of the store closing.
He asked if I would give out the phone and store number and have people start calling CVS to let them know what is going on.
Unfortunately, it is not only CVS, resident Sharon Kilbride stopped two students from stealing sushi at Gelson’s. She took the kids’ pictures. They dumped the sushi before walking out, once they realized she had them on camera. The photos were sent to Palisades High School.
CTN spoke to the Gelson’s store manager today, who said it’s a regular thing that kids come in and take drinks and other items. She said they particularly like to steal the sushi and walk out. If she tries to stop them, or asks them to put it back, they say “What are you going to do about it?”
CTN asked about taking photos, like the resident did. The store is worried if they took photos of the kids, they could have legal problems from the parents who would say, “My kid wouldn’t do that.” Asked about calling the police or filing a report, the manager said that given the current climate there’s not much anyone can do because nothing will happen.
At Ralphs, teens routinely shoplift and walk out with candy, drinks and alcohol. CTN asked “Do you try to stop them?”
“No, we can’t because they’re children,” one clerk said. “All I do is tell them ‘I hope I don’t see you on the news someday.’”
And at the Barber Shop, teens have routinely been beating on the glass window in the afternoons after school. The owner Joe Almaraz, who came to Pacific Palisades in 1962, and has the town’s oldest surviving retail business, largely ignores them. He told CTN today, his one fear is the glass will break and someone will get hurt. “It’s not safety glass,” he said.
One parent wrote that other parents need to be held accountable. “What kind of parent doesn’t know where their kid is late at night? Their pictures need to be splashed everywhere and parents asked, ‘Is this your teen?’”
Can’t do anything? WTF? Kids can and should be arrested for assault and shoplifting.
Have Daniel’s parents been notified of his horrendous crimes?
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the courageous, courageous reporting you are doing about our local gang of hoodlums who are beating up other kids, disrespecting the people of our community, setting off dangerous and very disturbing explosives, etc. etc. You have put yourself at risk to inform the community about this problem and to advocate for a solution. My hope is that other people in the community will follow your lead and step up to the plate and make police reports. Please keep up the fantastic work you are doing!
Thank you, Sue, and Sharon Kilbride, and the anonymous citizens who are making calls and taking video and asking questions. This is a community problem and if we come together as a community, that’s the only way we can solve it. Please keep your amazing reporting going and I hope that more people donate to Circling the News to help with your expenses!
I have been told they have.
Fantastic reporting Sue.
I hope you interview the parents – all of them including the ones who live outside the Palisades. I would love to know what’s going on with them. Are they trying? Do they care? Are they just as psychopathic? Do they need support? How can we help them?
This is absolutely disgusting. I am in that area once a week- let me tell you if I see something I will confront these bullies. Let their parents explain to the police why their children are violently assaulting other kids.
Sue – thank you for your extensive reporting on the behavior issues of the “kids” who are currently running rampant through our Village. Everyone appreciates your attention to this, and your publicizing it with commentary AND photos. THANK YOU