The winner of the 2022 parade theme contest was John Abruscato (right), shown here with his family.
Photo: Lesly Hall
Palisades residents are asked to put on their thinking caps and come up with ideas for a theme for the 2023 Fourth of July Parade. This will be the 75th Anniversary of the parade.
Remember, themes are short, pithy and to the point. No need to rewrite “Paradise Lost.”
Last year’s winner was John Abruscato with “Red, White and Blue in 2022.”
Winners will be the subject of a story about themselves in the PAPA (Palisades Americanism Parade Association) parade tab that is sent to every home in Pacific Palisades. Winners can also elect to ride in the parade or receive seating in the VIP grandstands.
Themes must be submitted by 5 p.m. on May 7, at https://palisades4th.com/parade/theme or by email to parade@palisades4th.com
The next in person PAPA volunteer meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, at the Ronald Reagan American Legion Post 283 (15247 La Cruz Drive) to continue discussing plans for July 4th. Subsequent volunteer meetings will be on Monday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday, June 28 at 6:30 p.m. A possible theme will be voted on at the May 10 meeting.
Below is a list of the winning themes since 2002.
Prior Parade Themes 2002 to 2022
(Editor’s note: two themes were found: Small Town, Big Spirit and Stars, Stripes and Spirit – but were not paired with a year. Maybe a reader will remember when they were chosen?)
2002: Hail to Flag and Country
2003: Faithful and True to the Red, White and Blue
2004: Celebrating those who served so honorably.
2005: Remembering America’s Heritage
2006: Celebrating America: Proud, Strong and True.
(Missing themes from 2007 and 2008 –readers?)
2009: Pacific Palisades Celebrates Those Who Served Honorably
2010: Small Town, Big Heart
2011: Red, White and Palisades Blue
2012: Home is Pacific Palisades on the Fourth of July
2013: Waves of Freedom
2014: Star-Spangled Palisades
2015 : Palisades Parade: Pride! Passion! Patriotism!
2016: Independence Day—the Palisades Way.
2017: Palisades on Parade
2018: Palisades Parade – 70 Years of Cheers
2019: May the 4th Be with You
2020: Celebrating a Different Kind of 4th
2021: The Sparkle Returns
2022: Red, White and Blue in 2022
parade name;
Proud to be Palisadian !