Theatre Palisades Youth performed its spring musical “Singin in the Rain.”
Theatre Palisades Youth Director Laura Ganz has announced that auditions will be held for this summer’s musical “Newsies.”
The musical is based on the New York City newsboy strike of 1899. Residents of New York received newspapers from an army of ragged orphans and runaways, called newsies. The youngsters sold the newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, and other great publishers, barely eking out a living. Newsie Jack Kelly dreams of a better life than the hardship of the streets. But when Pulitzer and Hearst raise distribution prices at the newsies’ expense, Jack finds a cause to fight for, and must decide between his dreams and his newfound responsibility.
Auditions will be held at Pierson Playhouse, 941 Temescal Canyon Road, on Wednesday, March 30, and Monday April 4 from 3:30pm – 6:30pm and on Thursday, April 7 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Visit: Theatrepalisades.org/youth to reserve a time.
All youth, in third grade through ninth grade are encouraged to audition. The kids should be prepared to perform a one-minute selection from a Broadway or Disney musical and to also do a cold reading from the script.
Those auditioning should wear clothes for dancing and dancing shoes—no open-toed shoes.
Callbacks will be held from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30.
Rehearsal dates will run June 20 through July 14. Performance dates are July 15 to 17 and July 21 to 24.