Henry Isola was the first place winner last year in the bike decorating contest, sponsored by The Yogurt Shoppe.
Although there’s no parade this year, the traditional bike decorating contest is ON. Kids who decorate their bikes or scooters could win one of three $50 gift certificates to The Yogurt Shoppe on Swarthmore.
For nine years, owners Kevin and Jennifer Sabin sponsored the Kids on Bikes contest. This year, the shoppe’s new owners, Christine and Adam Wolfson, are continuing the event.
“Being a part of the community is one of our most important values,” Adam told Circling the News. “Given all this community has been through, it’s important to carry on this long tradition.”
Kids of all ages are encouraged to decorate their scooters or bikes and then either bring them by the shoppe, at 873 Swarthmore, on July 3 or July 4 and have a picture taken, making them eligible for judging.
Virtual submissions will also be accepted via an upload and form that can be found on palisades4th.com or on a parent’s Instagram feed or TikTok, adding the tags #palisades4thkidsonbikes and #theyogurtshoppe. All submissions must be made before 11:59 p.m. on July 4, with judging and winners announced that week.
“Have fun and be creative,” said the Wolfsons, who have three kids. “If you come to shop with your bikes, just remember to maintain social distancing guidelines.”
Contestants are also encouraged to try a new yogurt flavor at the Fourth approaches, now that in-store visits are allowed. The Wolfsons said they are working on red, white and blue selections for the holiday, with the flavors to be announced soon. Or just try one of the standards: chocolate fudge brownie, Jennifer’s vegan peanut butter, country vanilla, salted caramel or original tart.
For those having a barbecue, picking up a few pints of yogurt are an easy go-to dessert—and frozen yogurt is actually California’s state dessert, according to “The Most Iconic Dessert from Every State Gallery.”
“We are extremely grateful to our AMAZING community and everyone’s commitment to local small businesses,” Adam said. “Thank you to the community for supporting us during this time.”
Last year’s top-three winners were: Henry Isola, 7, who decorated a bike and trailer; Temple Hoerner, 9, who designed and constructed a cardboard eagle; and the Martin family, Chris, April, Jameson (4) and Annabelle (2).
Will last year’s winners repeat in 2020? Or will they face even tougher competition? Start designing now. (Visit: theyogurtshoppe.com or call 310-459-0088.)