Officer John “Rusty” Redican assisted in recovering a stolen car.
Circling the News received the following report from Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness (PPTFH) co-president Sharon Kilbride on January 14.
“At 5:30 a.m., Rusty [Officer John Redican] was out on beach detail checking Will Rogers beach and the tunnels. He found a young couple parked in a car.
“He approached the car thinking they were love birds and to his surprise the young girl was partially clothed and only had a blanket. After Rusty ran the vehicle, it was stolen from Norwalk.”
Kilbride noted that the man was taken into custody and the car towed. Redican questioned the girl thinking she may have been molested but found out it was consensual sexual activity.
Redican called Kilbride at 6 a.m. and asked if she could provide clothing for a young woman in her twenties.
“Thanks to PPTFH donations, I gathered up a backpack with shoes, socks, pants, scarf and warm jacket, hygiene kit and snacks and delivered it to the young woman,” Kilbride said. “I spoke to her and offered [outreach] services since she had recently experienced being homeless. She told me she was going to take the train back to Norwalk where she could stay with her uncle.”

Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness Co-President offered a young woman clothes.
The woman told Kilbride that she had made a bad decision and had been partying with the suspect all night. Kilbride directed her to the bus and gave her bus fare so she could get home. “I also gave her one of our service providers’ cards in case she wanted to call our outreach team if she needed help at a later time,” Kilbride said.
CTN also asked Kilbride about two car dwellers who have been living on Albright. One, Danielle, has been there since June, and more recently, Rafael.
The PPTFH has offered services to both people. Both have refused services. Rafael is making money by begging on the streets. Danielle, who is having mental challenges, will sometimes talk to the Task Force social workers, sometimes not.
During Covid, people who are vehicle dwelling are allowed to stay on residential streets. The LAPD is not allowed to tow, ticket or move them unless “No Parking” regulations, such as those on permitted streets, are in place.
Walking through the Village, CTN has noticed an increase in homeless individuals the past month. Kilbride said this has been the nonprofit’s experience as well.
One of the “new” homeless in Pacific Palisades is a young man in his 20s from Puerto Rico, who has been offered help, but is at times violent.
Additionally, the Task Force and LAPD are aware of a “firebug,” who likes to conduct his own ceremonies that involve starting small fires. If you see this man, who often likes to paint his face red, be aware of his proclivities.
Another young man, with bleached blonde hair, who danced shirtless and shoeless on Swarthmore on Sunday, has also refused services. The same goes for Ruby, who “lives” outside the library.
If a homeless person refuses services, LAPD and the Task Force social workers cannot take action.
(Editor’s note: The PPTFH was formed initially in response to the large number of homeless who were moving here – and the town’s compassion to help them. Additionally, several dangerous fires were set in the bluffs that threatened the community. Money was raised so that two social workers could be hired to work with those in need of housing. For more information about the group and to register for the upcoming January 25 meeting, visit: pptfh.org)
Thanks for the heads up(s). Hope the firebug hides out during the coming high winds? Does local FD have a way to keep an eye on this one?? “Proclivity” made in Hell, for California.
If anyone need clothes or food please contact me revital Weingarten7@gmail.com