Reading Among the Ruins: Help Children with Books Lost in Wildfires

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Hello everyone, my name is Rohan and I’m from the Pacific Palisades. My family and I lost our home in the Palisades Fire and along with everything else, we lost our beloved book collection.

We were devastated and this experience made me wonder how I could help others who had lost their books. I have created a non-profit called Reading Among Ruins.

My mission is to help children who are wildfire victims to rebuild their home libraries for free. My hope is to collect children’s books through donations and set up a “free bookshop” where wildfire victims can come and shop.

How to Help

If you would like to help, please consider donating children’s books. I am looking for chapter books (from beginner readers through middle grade). Please consider the condition of the book before donating, we are kindly requesting books that are in excellent or like new condition due to limited space and also because we want to be able to offer new books to the children who stop by. My hope is to replace entire sets of books that children may have lost.


  • Please order from this Amazon wish list: click here.
  • Buy directly from Diesel Bookstore (please make a note in the comment section that the order Is for Reading Among Ruins).click here.
  • If you are in Los Angeles, please email me to get in touch and I will let you know where to drop off the books (in Santa Monica) Thank you so much for your heartfelt donations, we are so grateful.

How to Rebuild your Home Library

If you lost your home in the fire, please fill out this form click here.

I will contact you once my free bookshop is up and running so your children can come and help themselves to books that bring them joy and allow them to rebuild their home libraries.

Please follow R.A.R. on instagram @readingamongruins for updates.

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2 Responses to Reading Among the Ruins: Help Children with Books Lost in Wildfires

  1. Sandy says: is notworking email address ? Would like to connect please advise

  2. Lisa says:

    Amazing idea. It looks as though among was misspelled in the link provided. Please confirm the correct email address.

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