A man, with headphones on, is sleeping by the wall. An electrical cord runs along the cement block through the fence to the neighboring property 623 Radcliffe. Another homeless site was against the opposite wall next to 613 Radcliffe.
Brush clearance is underway around the Pacific Palisades for fire prevention. A vacant lot on Radcliffe Avenue had recently come under scrutiny because homeless were found living on it and an illegal electrical cord had been run from the adjacent home on 623 unto the lot.
At one time, the area between 613 and 623 Radcliffe Avenue had a house and a pool. Overlooking Temescal Canyon Road, it has a great view of the ocean.

The property has a spectacular view. The trash cans have not been emptied for months, creating a health hazard. The cement pool is on the far side overlooking the canyon.
About six years ago, the house was demolished, and the pool drained. The lot has remained vacant, and local teens have discovered the area, and turned into a party site for alcohol and drugs.
L.A. County Vector Control left a notice at the end of April, most likely about water left in the pool after the rains.
Last weekend, two homeless men also discovered the area and turned it into a campsite.
The Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness visited the site and cleaned up the garbage that had been left by the homeless.
When the homeowner at 623 was told that he was paying for the electricity by those squatting on the land, he asked, “What do I do?”
It was suggested that perhaps he secure his property, so illegal campers can’t reach through the fence.
The homeowner at 613 was notified and said, “the kids always come there and smoke and do drugs.”
When task force members tried put the bags full of trash that had been collected in a nearby dumpster, another man sitting on a porch on Radcliffe shouted, “That dumpster doesn’t belong to you.” When the volunteers explained what they were doing, he claimed he had never heard of the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness.
CTN is looking for the owner of this property. The police cannot go on the property unless the owner has signed a no-trespass form and filed it with the police department.
The owner should also make sure the fence is secure, because today at 3:15, this editor took a photo of six teens jumping the fence.
If a fire starts on that property on Radcliffe and spreads during Santa Ana winds, does that make the owner liable for damage to nearby residences?
In the meantime, residents on Radcliffe may make a donation to the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness. These volunteers are trying to keep your homes and property safe. (visit: palisadeshomeless.org)
Such important reporting. Thank you.
It should be possible to find the owner’s name based on property tax records.
Here’s an old real estate listing for this property, 619 Radcliffe. Maybe the agent would be willing to give info about the owner?
Has anyone tried contacting Cal-State Site Services at the number on the sign to find out who paid for the fence? Maybe Cal-State can contact the property owner.
I just saw the man pictured at the top walking down Radcliffe and then duck under the fence so he is still using the property.
The owner of the property since 2015 is Palisades Real Estate Options, a Nevada LLC. The registered agent of the LLC was also the buyer in 2014, Diane Irvin, and the address given for the registration is 1100 FUSS RD, LOVELOCK, NV, 89419.