Under Old Business, the Civic League will look at plans for construction at 583 Radcliffe.
Civic League to Review Residential
Construction Plans Via ZOOM on November 23
The Pacific Palisades Civic League will meet electronically, via ZOOM, on Monday, November 23, at 7:30 p.m. because of the current stay-at-home, social distancing edicts. (The meetings are generally held the fourth Monday of each month.)
This is the perfect opportunity for Palisades residents to follow the Civic League process from their home, by emailing office.ppcl@gmail.com for Zoom meeting information.
Under New Business there are two homes: 757 Swarthmore: ADU (ground floor expansion/garage renovation) and 381 Las Casas (second story addition; remodel).
Under Old Business, there are six homes under review: 1047 Hartzell, 583 and 577 Radcliffe, 1106 Monument, 1106 Fiske and 15228 DePauw.