A hearing will be held at 10:40 a.m. on Thursday, February 27, at Los Angeles City Hall, Room 1070, for a proposed housing project at 1270 Marinette Rd, which abuts Will Rogers State Historic Park. (Case No: VTT-73423 and CEQA No: ENV-2016-307-CE).
The developer/owner seeks to divide an existing 96,612 sq.-ft. lot into four new lots, ranging from about 15,072 to 44,501 sq.-ft.
The project involves demolition of an existing two-story, single-family dwelling. Four two-story, single-family dwellings with basements will be built on each lot. The sizes of the proposed homes will range in size from 5,621 to 12,821 sq.-ft.
Seven retaining walls must be built and the existing public street will be extended. The project is projected to involve 96,000 cubic yards of grading (none to be exported) and the removal of 10 protected trees and 63 non-protected trees, 53 of which are considered significant.
Files are available for review, prior to the day of the hearing.
Oral testimony can be given at the hearing and written, or evidentiary documentation may be submitted prior to the hearing. The staff contact is Kenton Trinh, City Planning Associate, 200 N. Spring Street, Room 720/721, L.A. Ca. 90012 or Kenton.trinh@lacity.org or call (213) 978-1290.
The environmental document will be among the matters considered at the hearing. An exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act will be considered if it is determined that there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2 be granted.
Good luck during L.A’s annual fires and floods. I lived there for years and the fire of 1980 took out most of Rivas Canyon, causing the dam to be built up the canyon and the huge storm drain could not hold the massive amount of water that poured down Marinette Road. Also, Marinette has one exit via upper Chautauqua that could provide a greater hazard. BAD IDEA