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Residents Sought for PaliHi School Board

If you have a teenager at Palisades Charter High School or if you are a member of Pacific Palisades and want to have more say in the educational process at PaliHi, consider running for Board of Trustees. It’s your chance to make a difference.

Six Board positions need to be filled for the terms that begin July 1, 2019, and include 1) Community seat; 2) Community seat (employee stakeholders); 3) Student-elected teacher seat; 4) Parent seat; 5) Teacher Seat; and a 6) Classified Seat.

A resident, who does not currently have children attending PaliHi, is sought for a two-year term for a community seat. Additionally, a parent who has a ninth or tenth grader, or who will be at the school for the next two years, is also sought for a two-year term for the parent seat.

Forms must be emailed to Shelby Ladnier (sladnier@palihigh.org) by the 4 p.m. March 25 deadline.

To read more of the descriptions and find the forms, visit Palihigh.org or cut and past the following link:https://4.files.edl.io/a91e/02/07/19/000743-e2bbdcbf-7dcb-445a-9211-12ca67606916.pdf.


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