Construction Plans at July 22 Meeting
The Pacific Palisades Civic League will meet on Monday, July 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Tauxe Hall at the Community United Methodist Church, 801 Via de la Paz. The public is invited.
The agenda has four homes to review under New Business–a new two-story house at 718 Radcliffe; a two-story house at 834 Fiske; a two-story house 1047 Hartzell and a two-story house at 381 Las Casas.
Under Old Business, the following homes will be reviewed: 516 Erskine, 577 Radcliffe and 583 Radcliffe. Contact:
Sue – In reference to your readers posts re: recycling. Because we live in an affluent area just a few cents more for groceries, or a little V.A.T. here and there won’t mean anything to us and that’s how raising taxes has become the de facto solution to any problem. That’s how we got to the point that our taxes on gasoline are among the highest in the nation. But we are only one segment of the population. We virtue signal our compassion for the little man and bemoan his living at or below the poverty line then make him pay seventeen cents a gallon more for gas, to fill his truck to drive across L.A. to mow our grass. And when his groceries cost another five or ten dollars a week it hurts.
California prides itself in being the leader in all things good and virtuous then continues to pass regressive taxes, frequently with no recognizable benefit.
It’s chump change to many of us but not to our neighbors, across town and across the state.