An Act of Kindness Appreciated

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A person found a driver’s license in the street and returned it to the rightful owner.

A reader wrote on February 6, that “I just wanted to share a story of kindness that just occurred.”

She said that U.S. Postal Service imagery showed that her new driver’s license was supposed to be in Monday’s mail. “Our regular USPS driver was not on his route yesterday, but a nice other gentleman dropped off my ballot and a package (but no driver’s license) just after 8 p.m.

“This morning, minutes ago, a neighbor on her morning walk brought my driver’s license to my door,” the reader said and added, that appeared that it had been run over several times. The good Samaritan told the resident, that she had found the license unwrapped and in the street.

“I’m sure that acts of kindness have been plentiful with the recent weather but the amount of saved time and effort to replace the license, and her genuine kindness was such a rainbow in this recent storm I felt the need to share.”

The resident said that it was a woman that she had never seen or met before, but “it just made my day.”

CTN is happy she shared her story. We need more kindness in this world.

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One Response to An Act of Kindness Appreciated

  1. KC Soll says:

    Thank you for sharing this act of citizenship. A driver’s license is a bad thing to lose, as is confidence in our mail delivery service.

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