Nearby Cars Escape Damage
A Galloway neighbor told Circling the News. “The tree was still standing when I drove home around 9 p.m.”
Sometime during the night/early morning [June 15-16], the giant tree that had been planted next to a garage, at the corner of Drummond and Galloway, fell to the ground, blocking a lane of traffic.
If one walked under the tree branches on the sidewalk, it seemed as if one was standing inside a giant treehouse.
“I’ll miss the tree,” a neighbor said.
Pacific Palisades Community Council Tree Committee
L.A. City has recognized the importance of its urban forest and is eager to replace fallen and missing parkway trees. (…are-held-hostage/)
Many of the original street trees that had been planted on Pacific Palisades parkways are no longer recommended by the City. There was a disagreement among residents about tree replacements at a Pacific Palisades Community Council meeting on April 25.
At the next meeting, George Wolfberg announced the formation of a Street Tree Policy Committee. Members include: David Card (Chair), Jo Ann Bright, Bill Bruns, Kelly Comras, Libby Motika, Jan Ostendorf and Michael G. Terry.
On June 13, the tree committee said they had counted 7,960 street trees (in the parkways, medians and public right-of-way). Grace Phillips of the Santa Monica Urban Forest Task Force had also addressed the committee.
The next tree meeting will be at 11 a.m. on Monday, June 17, at the Palisades Library community room, 861 Alma Real. The meeting is open to the public.
I walked down Galloway around 7AM today and unless I was walking in my sleep, the tree was still standing!
My husband and I drove by about 9 a.m. and the tree was on the street. Now we know the tree fell sometime between 7 and 9 a.m.