Temescal Mural Survived Fire: Restoration on Hold

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Earlier this year, Mural Colors co-founder Carlos Rogel discussed the restoration of the mural with original artists Kat Kozik and Cathy Salser. Many people donated, the project is on hold.

(Editor’s note: the following message was received from Temescal Canyon Mural original artist Kat Kozik.)


As I write this, much of the Palisades is still closed to residents as crews assess the area for hazards after the devastating fire.  Many in our beloved community have lost their homes, including my exceptional partner in this project, original artist Cathy Salser.  We have all been deeply affected.  We feel the loss of this beautiful place as we knew it and share each other’s grief.   Although nothing is the same, amidst these sorrows and losses people have given each other so much love and kindness and mutual aid.  We will get through this together!

Remarkably, the Temescal Canyon Mural was spared.  The fire burned all around it and tragically destroyed structures above and next to the mural, but the mural appears intact.  Our mural team member, Cindy Simon, drove by and took Thursday, January 16, confirming an earlier eyewitness report.  We have no further details about the mural’s condition.  This is our heartening preliminary report.

When the fire hit, we had started to make concrete plans about how to restore and revitalize the mural later this year.  The funds you helped us raise are safe with our fiscal sponsor.  The fires raise many questions.  If it is indeed possible to proceed, then, when things become clear and the time is right, we have every hope and intention of restoring and revitalizing the Temescal Canyon Mural.

The mural’s central theme of people living in harmony with nature is more poignant than ever.  Our indigenous brothers and sisters who lived here for thousands of years were stewards of this beautiful, wild land.

May our love for what has been lost in the fire spur us to move forward together with wisdom and caring for life.

May we envision and create a nurturing and holistic future. The mural project provides an opportunity for us, as individuals and as a community, to engage around these vital issues.  Please stay tuned dear mural supporter!

Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested.  On behalf of all the members of our mural project team, I sincerely wish you, your families and your loved ones safety, strength and good spirit in the days to come and always.  awbw.org/temescal


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One Response to Temescal Mural Survived Fire: Restoration on Hold

  1. Christine Odionu says:

    Thank You Sue for continuing to Publish Circling The News. I rely on it since I lost everything too. Bless You My Friend!

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