One Woman Starts Homeless Email Campaign

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Pacific Palisades volunteers were told how to deal with the needles left behind by the homeless when cleaning up a campsite.

On April 5, a resident of Studio City started a daily email campaign. This individual was frustrated because there had been no response from Councilmember Paul Kerkorian and Mayor Eric Garcetti about the plight of the homeless.

The resident told Circling the News in an email, “I finally got fed up (after years) and I realized that I was just one person emailing, calling, using social media to tell the officials how disgusted I was by the unbelievable filth and crime that I was surrounded by in my (once lovely) Studio City neighborhood. But what really put me over the edge was the fact that the homeless were dying on the street (just blocks away) and NO ONE CARED. What kind of society are we?”

The resident participated in a neighborhood Zoom call, and most were at loss how to get help for the homeless. “My idea was to flood all 60 elected officials and representatives with one email a day for the month of April,” the resident said, noting that everyone would send the same letter and demands. “The goal was to overwhelm and get the attention of the officials.”

About 75 neighbors immediately contacted her. She then researched officials’ emails to make sure they were correct and then sent instructions to those who wanted to participate. “I send everyone a ‘reminder’ email each morning.”

Neighbors asked her to extend the campaign to May, which she has done. “The idea is to get the attention of the elected officials — the residents of the city are fed up and want something done to clean up our neighborhoods. This is NOT about denigrating the homeless, it’s about doing something to help them.”

CTN is not sharing the individual’s name, because “homeless advocates” then troll and try to disrupt the campaign. The individual said that she is hearing from residents from all over the city that they are tired of the status quo and want something done.

During a Recreation and Park Commissioners meeting several months ago (as reported by CTN), many people in North Hollywood spoke against the tiny homes for homeless that were being placed in two City parks in that area.

“While laudable, this is not a sustainable solution for 66,000 homeless people and there are a few concerns,” the woman said and listed her community’s top three concerns.

  1. Many of the homeless do not want to move into the tiny homes due to the rules. There is a curfew and rules against drugs, alcohol and weapons. “I have also heard that convicted felons are not accepted,” she said. “This leaves the most dangerous people on the streets.”
  2. The privatization of park land has taken the area away from people in the most disadvantaged areas of North Hollywood: those who mostly live in crowded apartments.
  3. Paul Kerkorian, a very powerful councilman, has awarded “no bid” contracts to his political friends to build and run these “tiny homes” and has decided to build three villages and other bridge housing and apartment homes in North Hollywood, in direct opposition to the guidelines of the H bonds which state that shelters have to be equally distributed in all communities.

The Studio City resident supplied the list of demands that are being sending to officials:

  • Comply with Judge Carter’s fiscal order and provide enough shelter to satisfy Martin v Boise

  • Expand the definition of gravely disabled

  • Expand conservatorship laws

  • Repeal the Lanterman-Petris Short Act

  • Repeal the ACLU case: Jones vs the City of LA

  • Enforce existing “people with disabilities” laws

  • Use H & HHH Bonds to quickly move people into simple shelter

  • Obey the mandate that shelters be distributed equally among neighborhoods

  • Make drug and mental health treatment mandatory

  • Name an MD who specializes in addiction & mental health to the homeless committee

  • Incarcerate criminals, instead of releasing them into our streets with no support

  • Return policing to the police and above all else, hold people accountable for their actions

“I hope to grow our voices against (what I believe) is the destruction of our beautiful city,” she said.

Trash lines the beaches in Venice by homeless encampments, and also the streets near the ocean.

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One Response to One Woman Starts Homeless Email Campaign

  1. Michelle D says:

    St Vincent hospital is closed and empty. Why isn’t LA using standing structures as possible housing for the homeless? Why does all construction have to be new? Why do buildings on the VA property remain empty when homeless vets surround the property?

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