City Officials Need to Provide Answers for Drinking Water and Debris Clean Up

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The condos on Via and ALbright behind the DWP Building are gone.

(Editor’s note: A reader wrote the following questions, which apply to all of us who have been evacuated. It appeared in the comment section of the CTN newsletter and I have pulled it out and am running it as a regular story. It appears City and County Officials like to go to press conferences and appear caring which we appreciate, but in addition to sympathy, we would like answers.)   

The note stated: “I have SO many questions.”


Santa Monica Canyon is part of Pacific Palisades, but has a 90402 zip code. The majority of those homes have been green tagged. But is the the water is safe there? We have contacted DWP, but “the only answer we get from DWP is where to go get bottled water! None of us are interested in going home without having safe drinking water … and why is going to a home with toxic water considered green tagged?

When will we (and 90272) have safe drinking water? And we should not have to pay DWP for water until we do.

We are trying to clean our homes, but there’s no clear instructions HOW to clean especially when we cannot use hot water or use our dryer cause the water has VOC’s in it!??

We’re not supposed to use the dryer because the heat will release the VOCs. Are we supposed to dry our sheets outside when ash is still flying around?

There’s nobody helping to clean the streets which are full of ash and debris and gardeners are still using leaf blowers so any cleanup we happen to do, is meaningless.

Those of us who have asthma, and the elderly and  young children are particularly loathe to return. We also fear the air quality once debris cleanup, in our neighboring 90272 begins.

There are blocks of  our community that are not going back because the water is not safe to drink…but you’ve green tagged our homes and opened our streets to looters and we don’t have much recourse except for hiring private guards, which is a financial hardship.


Explanations need to be made about property cleanup, specifically in the Alphabet Streets and the Via de las Olas bluffs where were decimated.

It seems that CalRecycle is in charge of hazardous waste, asbestos and debris removal without the need for homeowners to pay OR give approval because we are under state of emergency.

Apparently, we homeowners will need to give signed approval for debris removal to clean up our property at some point ?  And also, we’re allowed to be there while it’s done…Right??

  1. What’s the timeline for this? Where and when do we sign?
  2. Where do we find the paperwork to sign?


What are the problems if we have you all clean up? Why wouldn’t everybody just have you guys clean up? It’s free — right?


  1. Why would somebody want their own private person to do cleanup? Is it gonna take that long if “you guys” do it?
  2. Where are all these details and when does all this start?


How do we  visit the site safely (proper gear for visiting our homes? ), and how to clean that garb afterwards so we don’t have to keep buying new? Or is the city supplying tyvek suits, goggles and booties for us?

If there is hazardous waste how can people just walk around and sift through their stuff looking for memorabilia? (Editor’s note: I’ve been to the Alphabet Streets and the Via de las Olas bluffs, the fire was so intense, finding memorabilia will be hard. But people should be allowed in, so they can see for themselves.)

When can insurance adjustors be allowed in? We need to have the claim processed so that money can start rolling in.?


Will there be a task force to support THE more financially modest Palisades homeowners for building? Many are retired and just had our insurance dropped. Our property tax already off the charts.

Will there be help so us retired folks possibly afford to rebuild & return?

Will we be able to get insurance again!?  (especially if we build for better fire protection.)


The destroyed Theatre Palisades as seen from Founders Oak Island.

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7 Responses to City Officials Need to Provide Answers for Drinking Water and Debris Clean Up

  1. Mary petersen says:

    Dear Sue, keep the news coming. I appreciate and so rely on CTN for keeping me up to date regarding what’s going on in the place that’s been my home for the past 52 1/2 years–over half of my life!
    Best, Mary

  2. Hagop Tchakerian says:

    I will not drink 90272 water, even if it’s boiled. I strongly suggest that LADWP provide a clearer and more detailed explanation to address this issue.

  3. Dana Dalton says:

    If Lindsey Horvath has anything to do with this, we will never go back.
    She is completely unqualified and has no idea what she is doing.
    The only word she knows is “safe”, she’s running the city like a HOA.
    Example – on zoom she states, highlands cannot have gas b/c the pipes are “broken” –
    What a stupid explanation and Completely FALSE.
    Gas company turned our gas on yesterday AND stated the “pipes were never
    Broken” – they did not by even know what that meant.
    In highlands, they turned the gas OFF very early Tuesday morning (as well as in malibu)
    As a precaution. The pipes are NOT “broken”
    Gas company walking around highlands starting your gas again today.
    Lindsey Horvath is NOT qualified to be in her position.

  4. BT says:


    ALL of these questions run through what’s left of my mind at 3AM when I’m awake!

  5. Patti says:

    I live in the Highlands. A lot of residents there have homes that were not damaged by the fire and are all green tagged. However, we’re still moving from Airbnb to family to friends without any communication from so cal gas. The gas company website says they will knock on our doors and then if we’re not home, they will leave information on how to make an appointment to get our gas reconnected. They have to come inside our units to do this. Some of us live farther away right now and can’t keep running over to see if we have a tag on our door. There is no communication with the gas company via text or email when they will be in our area. Can someone find an answer?

  6. Anifaye Korngute, Palisades Resident says:

    Oh dear!!!! Right in your own comment section is a huge scare…
    Your reader doesn’t seem to understand about the toxic water situation: somehow he thinks that the instruction is that it’s OK to boil and then drink the water !!!!

    Hagop Tchakerian… Please do not boil and drink the water!

    “do not drink The water”
    “do not boil The water”
    “Water is toxic”

    If the water is not potable… Isn’t it the responsibility of our government to make sure we all understand the safety precautions at least?

    is safe drinking water (especially if you’re paying for it) a human right??

    Thank you for posting my letter. I’m so honored.

    I’m happy to say there’s a lot new information about the debris cleanup in the Palisades which was highlighted in the PPCC’s fabulous meeting Thursday night. In addition, there is a “debris, cleanup, meeting” sponsored by Lyndsey Horvath On Sunday at 3 o’clock. I’m sure next week will bring a much more clarity to our new cycle about debris cleanup.

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